Shackleton Mill (also known as The Anna Liffey Mill) is a water-powered flour mill situated on the north bank of the River Liffey in Lucan.
This striking, seven-storey building was constructed in the early 1800s and was a working flour mill until 1998.
The Anna Liffey Mill was acquired by the Shackleton family in the late 1850s and flour production continued up until 1998.
Fingal County Council purchased the mill and adjoining late Georgian house in 2002 with a view to showcasing industrial heritage.
The plan was for a visitors’ centre and cafĂ©/restaurant overlooking the weir, which didn’t materialise.
The mill and adjoining house are recorded on the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage as buildings of regional significance for their architectural and technical merits.
Location – Shackleton Mill, Lucan
Photographer – Ian Hennessy Photography